![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Otakar Almatir Jaluvka – research and practical use of esoterics Parapsychology - ESP - extra sensory perception and transcendention Parapsychology - events, which demonstrably occur and which scientists cannot explicate Parapsychology is term come for grecia words para (next) and psychology Parapsychology denote scientific research upon sensory possibility, which are beyond some men. Parapsychology (otherwise also metapsychics) as branch comprises idea and practices have extrasensory perception (out of attendances sensory authorities to - eyesight, hearing, olfaction, appetites and touch) and comprises light hand also psychotronics and metapsychics. Parapsychology with deals effect and displays, which arise acitivities of the human spirit. These effect giving a relation to intellectual activities can be by that time scientifically difficult for accout for, despite the fact that with demonstrably occur will as spontaneous (rare and sometimes unreproducible) or as designedly developed, as for example in practice experiment or activity of for purpose of achieving a concrete aims or alternations.
ESP = extra-sensory perception Any energy can not see once be feeling, can be however it is extra-sensory apperceive and be distinguished theirs quality - as for example form, amount, character (perhaps as big positive vibe). Can be initiate also theirs birth, actuate is and further with them ass into gear - contentrate, tend, beam to apart from distances and otherwise with them cook - and this only by force of the human spirit and his free motion in another (altered) status awareness (trance).
* For current science can not exist something, what according her be available once cannot Science has already shown that time is plastic, the space is curved, and the spirit of its own energy, but the main problem of why science does not recognize esotericism and especially parapsychology (for example, various real and inexplicable mysterious abilities, phenomena and phenomena) is the impossibility of repeating something at any time in the laboratory with 100% reliability and also that it can not be measured (it does not yet know).
The distinction between the past, the present and the future must be understood as an illusion (Albert Einstein) The universe is not space and time bounded. The future somehow exists already and can cast its shadow into the past. People, things, and events leave their traces of time and space. Man has undoubtedly the power to control time and space, or to use them. People are able to receive news from tomorrow, or they can focus their views on the future or the past. It is possible by simple exercises to mobilize the superhuman forces.
The past and the future do not exist, only the eternal presence
The passage of time is a projection of our reason. In this world, civilized people have divided their time and calendar to organize life for themselves and others. To know when to sow, who is old, when to pay taxes, when to go to church, when to work and when to go home. In the multidimensional and invisible world in which our subconscious works, there is no past, no present, no future. In fact, it is only an absolute eternal presence, in which the past and the future coexist, at once, now and now. After death, there is only one presence, which is only one form of real being, that is, only constant now and permanent now. In the universe, everything is imagined: the past, present and future, each of them not only in reality, but also in all its possibilities and variants that have not or will not happen (see some people's ability to read in the past or in the future). The universe records not only my destiny, but also all the specific details of my entire life, such as the road (all roads) to a crossroads that I did not follow and went to another destination. So if I go in any way, their course and goal and thus my whole life and my destiny are already recorded. This presupposes the existence of a common consciousness of human beings (the global subconscious) in which all earthly events, deeds, lives, destinies, paths, memories and all positive and negative deeds are recorded and from where the media draw information in a trance.
Areas interest, examination and actual practice especially in of these area parapsychology: Information transfer, manipulation with substance and migration spirit
• information transfer / telepathy, telegnosis, telestesion, imagination, • manipulation with mass / transformation, telekinetion, teleporting, levitation, bilocation, de-materialisation, therapy, • manipulation with persons / mental therapy, hypnosis and autohypnosis, suggestion and autosuggestion, affirmation, • migration spirit / karma, fate, inkarnation, reinkarnation, astral journeyings.
Information transfer Telepathy Telepathy is extrasensory perception, amount carried over idea of on any distance and clairvoyant data acquisition or unilateral or peer communication based on deteriorating links. It is about paranormal communication midst persons, by lower down attend extrasenzoric by way of to information communication, senses and imagine. Telepathy dish out on spontaneous (inadvertent) and experimental (designedly developed status).
Idea is forms of energy and beef, which can be activated and is the such big, what to her embed in beef. By its routing on another person of close in her unilateral flow, which can by sensitive of persons with (pointed persons - recipient also broadcast beef) be past in affected even unwanted mutual benefit communication - deteriorating arrest. This mutual benefit communication can be in a way also dangerous (as for example pointed person perceives - subconsciously feels, that it is someone contacted or can broadcast unwillingly accept abient beef or on all thumbs curer can easily be past disease medicated). As to to those unwanted communication avoid, is on it perhaps believe and ensure they protection (as for example plow back its aura to protect against income for abient beef or against unwanted communication). Case in of achievement establishing affected communication can attend also to accident. Albeit amount carried over be in progress in extrasensory plane, such has to be, case in the case of interworking communication to both directions (as from broadcast home and since aims to broadcast), autonomous energy fount with its onwards flow. In case of deficient force function relayed beef - forces of one fount will reach to insufficiently of value, accordingly bastardised of transmission, which relayed person can apperceive as beef relayed for leisure and by aim persons - recipient with this no effect anyway. It can occur unilateral or also mutual benefit complex disable state alliance, when are not amount carried over realize and little beef with by way of clear away. Realization and quality of transmission depends not on distances of both subjects, that plays not no role to play. Fundamental is strength of will, force function relayed beef, sensitivity participants and depth trans broadcast beef also recipient. Its role to play here also play light hand also conditionals, environment, circumstance, start polarity other background. Work with esotericism is as a general rule highly energy ambitious and backbreaking, reason it is appropriate to by baser force function ain full of life beef this activity confine.
Telegnosis Telegnosis (light hand telegnosa, telegnnoza) is ability to of some of persons with cognize subjects or affairs remotely through other persons (or more of persons with), which monitor and apperceive subjects or happening on distant places by actual telepathy of transmission.
Telestesion Telestesion (light hand telestesie, telestezie) is in parapsychology apprehension out of attendances acquaintance sensory authorities to, by it connects information on specific entity with movement answer at them, eg. dowsing.
Imagination Imagination is ideation, esotericism under herewith institution roger ability to fantasise anything such deeply and with such assembly, as thoughsgiven affair can attain forms in astral plane.
Manipulation with mass Transformation Transformation (otherwise also transmutation) is change over, reshaping article or body for other forms their availability. Incommutable with decampment or positive death, subject all along from now on exists, even is in other, amended by council form of their availability.
Telekinesis Telekinesis (light hand telekinese, telekineze) is influence exercise inanimate article by force free motion, otherwise also psychokinesis for exercise clay caused only intellectual acitivities. Exercise article or change theirs conformation by dint of idea of (intellectual beef), out of any physical contact.
Teleporting Teleporting is acute displacing clay for either places on the other, during which time distance here plays not no role to play. This be done by change over hereof article in beef, of which is after porterage for inner space media metamorphosed again in historic clay. Medium through their forces inner space identifies with subject of, which founds elsewhere, and alter him in beef, because article is combinations molecule (assembly group electron circulative over cores) and after porterage for inner space media is transferred as you were.
Levitation Levitation is raised or else hovering with different body's or by people in the air as it were out of any in evidence foothold or suspension, abstractedly from earth's gravity. Levitation actuate magi, indian fakir or lama monks.
Bilocation Bilocation is ability to be designedly as in one time all at once physically on two places, and this conspicuously and at the same time also administrate activity and normally be functional. It is about clergy projection his concrete bodies for his ethereal bodies fourth dimensions.
Dematerialisation Dematerialisation (otherwise also dematerialization) is dematerialise, from after the flesh any article or organism, over his visual decampment infiltration there is still, eg. as forms of energy.
Materialisation Materialisation (rematerialisation) is opposite of dematerialisation and entails resubmission alinement clay for historic physical status ago dematerialisation. materialisation can also be implementation aim executions absolutely fresh alinement clay for intended concrete physical appearances and in evidence forms, by way of attainment calculated active imaginations promoted creative beef.
Manipulation with persons Psychical therapy Disease is act abient clergy attitudes and concordant ideas peace and loves again windlass haleness. Is scientifically disproving, as though clergy, intellectual and emotional conflicts are close to the vest causes all sorts of baneful disease. Psychical (clergy, intellectual) therapy is maybe to distance and by her it can be have office hours inner space diseased such, as if he had been by curer and findings of treatment with enter an appearance accordingly, what is trust and beliefs hereof curer. More info: Cosmic energy and harnessing in businesslike life
Hypnosis and Autohypnosis Hypnosis is artificially developed land of nod, state of consciousness altered suggestive by the instrumentality of other persons or themselves full of autohypnosis. Hypnotic sugestion are not demonstrate to achieving hypnotic trans. Hypnosis can be induced also out of functioning hypnosis, alone adequate psychological condition. Effective is alliance hypnosis and suggestion. Act on another person of (also herself) forwarding cue right ahead for its inner space be possible for hypnosis - suggestion (autohypnosis - autosuggestion), with its awareness or also out of its awareness, in land of nod or also by brimful of awareness, on at hand or to distance.
Suggestion and Autosuggestion Suggestion is pointed intellectual influence and rousing certain imagine, that are go through as authenticity and accordance with by it accordingly. Can be suggested as good as anything. Suggestion not had no ain much but may, which her gives free motion and trust customer. As soon as but begins once be responsible for, channel flush under well knowing sinews for absolutely certain and closely circumscribed fosse. Much sugggestion is adequate free motion, trust and beliefs about accomplishment. Autosuggestion is selfinfluence by means of absolutely certain and pointed idea of and imagine, which repetition be changed by on feelings and those with after all tent matter. Forces suggestion and autosuggestion can be advantage to take, to customer became babu beyond themselves full of, but can be her also work upon ain much second by people, who laws spirit do not know. With the aid suggestion can be cured, but suggestion acc of does not promptly. In the open with all develops slow marching, countryside does not make jump.
Affirmation Affirmation (reassurance, acknowledgement) is form of autosuggestion. Autosuggestion causes due enjoyment, desired alternations or actions and executions goals of. Words with impression consistently for inner space or basic config and as necessary further actively militates. Affirmation help literally reprogram inner space. Going on a short circuit affirmative affirmation, that need to but good and candidly feelingly and all the time by them barrage their inner space. Affirmation has to be little and apt and mainly in present time.
Migration spirit Karma - fate Karma is law causes and aftermath, control caring destiny, especially reincarnation. Under good achievements is meed of, under malignant achievements is pain. Karma is bequest former bare life. This, who committed abient acts, is herewith by negotiation burdened and vice versa. This encumbering relays for by other bare life, while with this blunder unatones, correct not or abolished.
Incarnation Incarnation entails go into a place bodies. incarnation is ditto what incarnations. Being used for denominations periods of residence air hose valve in some bodily collection box. This residence may not be cut and dried and can be in terms of time restricted.
Reincarnation Reincarnation is resubmission incarnations, fresh incarnations air hose valve, resurgence. Reincarnation is thus an acknowledgement facts, as though life cycle beings good many times repeats. Reincarnation is along those lines phenomenon as metempsychosis, which is metempsychoses, reincarnation to other individual.
Astral journeyings Astral journeyings is designedly developed and perceived exercise subjekt, as the case may be his astral bodies out of his physical body. Caring subjekt creates reality - physical body and astral body, which can abstractedly from cannon, be on in a trance outside physical body and has then into it as you were admit.
Why, how and where to study esoterics, parapsychology or psychotronics successfully Parapsychology and psychotronics by their content and focus belong to the area called natural sciences The closest field that can be officially studied at universities or even by self-study is psychology, which deals with mental properties, processes and states as well as their causes and manifestations. Parapsychology and its practices are in the field of extra-sensory perception (ESP). Parapsychology (otherwise also psychotronics, metapsychology, ESP) is a field of supernatural phenomena dealing with exceptional psychic abilities (such as information transfer, manipulation of subjects and matter, treatment, soul migration, etc.), which are currently not scientifically explained and scientifically proven. , although they have existed for many years and are quite obvious. We can include hypnosis and suggestions, work with energies, some extrasensory manifestations of clairvoyance and divination (not astrology, numerology, cards, etc.), travel outside time and space, therapy and some serious forms of esotericism, such as occultism, magic, various miracles , mysteries, etc.
Although contemporary science does not recognize parapsychology because it (for the time being) cannot explain it itself, it cannot disprove it and its manifestations and existence. This is closely related to the fact that, despite many indisputable and credibly documented parapsychological or metaphysical manifestations, these cannot always be repeated accurately and reliably at any time. It is an area of phenomena beyond our senses and rational understanding, taking place from our perspective as if in other dimensions and beyond our earthly time and space. Therefore, the fields of parapsychology and psychotronics (as well as other serious esoteric fields and areas) cannot be studied officially and directly as the sole and main focus. This is possible only by self-study of poorly available scientific literature (as opposed to the abundance of popular commercially oriented and indispensable brochures, mostly poor translations of foreign bestsellers with attractive and tempting titles), but in secondhand bookstores it is occasionally encountered ready treasures. so important (from Czech authors and in Czech language, such as Bretislav Kafka, Milan Ryzl, Jan Hnilica and others). The aforementioned popular brochures are just a basic intermediate step and an introduction to the understanding of, and orientation in, technical literature, which will help you to distinguish, select and understand relevant and useful literature information more professionally over time, including theoretical explanations, phenomena, tables, research results and practical experience. Also, some articles in current journals and some programs in various media already admit the existence of various "miracles" and seek their publicity and serious scientific explanation. Over time, you will gain an overview, comparison and thus the ability to distinguish the quality of these resources.
Self-study is always long-term, many years and practically never ending, it is uncontrolled by others and therefore always leads to unique, only self-interest and diligent development, own direction and breadth of reach, often leads to own long-term research and acquired knowledge and skills, and of course, that only in a positive sense. They can be used as needed to help themselves or others, for example, to solve various problems, to heal and treat, to clairvoyance and fortune telling, to change the state or course of an action, to obtain information, to influence or manipulate or to perform various "miracles" "Etc.
Parapsychology and psychotronics are mental disciplines and therefore mastering their studies requires certain innate psychic abilities, such as increased emotional sensitivity, intuition, receptivity, creativity, persistence, purposefulness and tenacity, as well as a deep interest as well as the ability to find and find new connections. There is also a need for psychic strength, endurance, self-control, strong will, willingness, conviction of success and psychological resilience, which are necessary to maintain and maintain one's own psyche within certain limits, as well as maintaining insight, judgment and common sense and body. physically and mentally exhausting and nothing should be exaggerated). Congenital abilities can be further developed and deepened by appropriate exercises.
Extrasensory perception is often in conflict with the earthly material understanding of the world, its reality, laws and principles. It is mentally and time consuming to cope internally with the new knowledge that everything is completely different from what we have taught us at school for many years and what we have believed so far. This is especially true for materially situated individuals, because spiritually minded and believers are more prepared for various "miracles" and "miracle" manifestations. The study of parapsychology reveals and opens up new possibilities and abilities. In this context it is absolutely necessary to have a personal positive focus and character and moral maturity in terms of resilience to misuse of acquired information, knowledge and practical skills. Possibilities of abuse of parapsychology can be for example to control and manipulate other subjects (people, crowd), materials, objects, states, health, situations, procedures or processes in a certain, especially negative direction and interest.
If you are still interested in studying in this area, or you already have some knowledge, skills and experience in this area and you also have the necessary characteristics and prerequisites, you can start or continue on your own, at any time if you have enough free time. Suppose, however, that this knowledge of reality and truth will change your personality and your perception and understanding of the world and earthly values a lot, especially the relationship to life, to other people, to the surroundings, to property, to social events, to everything and to change and your whole life. According to our own experience and thanks to the positive approach, thankfully for the better.
Finding and experi for examination parapsychology can be employ even in practice Businesslike activity can be administrate for achieving affirmative change in some areas Parapsychology be possible for in some adequate cases advantage to take as contingency creative, fast and effective solution of some trouble, during which time decides not, whether it is it for persons, miscellaneous subjects or firms. Findings of some of activities in of those area can not advance in ensure, but always them to us allowed attempt them. In some cases, personal communication is necessary in order to benefit from the above activities or any other assistance. Advice, consultation or resolution of any problems or quick help over the phone and the Internet cannot be provided for time, practical or other reasons.
In the case of interest in the use of the above-mentioned activities or any other assistance, personal communication is usually necessary, depending on the nature of this activity. This does not apply to online psychotherapy, email consultation and immediate online therapy. It is not possible to provide advice, consultation, quick help or the solution of any other problems over the phone and the Internet due to time, practical and other reasons. Matters of this type are usually dealt with personally and discreetly.
The advantage is a combination of authorial, innovative and esoteric activities The combination of several activities and their simultaneous implementation by one entity is more advantageous
Simultaneous implementation of multiple activities from multiple areas and disciplines by one entity guarantees their synergy, originality, exclusivity, speed of solution, time and cost savings, direct personal and informal communication and maximum discretion. New, unconventional and original creative ideas, visions, know-how, innovations and solutions can help solve every problem. All these activities can be realized in a relatively short time depending on their complexity. Possibility of one-off and long-term cooperation. It is proven that nothing is perfect and that the current solution or novelty on the market is already obsolete and can be improved at any time. Everything can be done and solved better, faster, more simply, cheaply and more effectively. It rests you to decide.
"Ideation is more important before attainment. Attainment are of limited, whilst ideation encloses all the world, stokes advancement, gives geniture developments." (Albert Einstein)
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Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Index. Otakar Almatir Jalůvka – autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Píši jakékoli texty, kreativně a inovativně řeším problémy, zkoumám a prakticky využívám parapsychologii, psychotroniku, okultismus a esoteriku. https://www.jaluvka.com/blog.htm Blog. Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Tvorba Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Ukázky Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Kontakt Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm Author. Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. I write any texts, I solve problems creatively and innovatively, I research and practically use parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/blogg.htm Blogg. Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm - Creation Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm - Samples Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm - Contact Opposition - opposition procedure - opposed - opponent Innovation - innovating - means - aims - findings Know-how - designs - development - solution Improvement proposal - solution Patents - utility designs - protect Reserve funds - budget solution - economy drive - new source of savings New way solution hidden trouble communities and companies Oponentura, oponování, oponent Inovace a inovování Know-how, řešení, ochrana know-how, utajení Zlepšovací návrhy a zlepšování Patenty - užitné vzory - ochrany Úspory - úsporné řešení - úsporné opatření - nové zdroje úspor Nová metoda řešení skrytých problémů společností a firem Esoterics - Clairvoyance, Divination, astrology, Tarot card Esoterics - Cosmic energy - healing and therapy in businesslike life Esoterics - Healing and therapies, biotronic, working with energies, zones Esoterics - Occultism, spiritism, white and black magic, voodoo, ban, mystery Esoterics - Parapsychology - ESP - extra sensory perception - unconscious - trance Esoterics - parapsychology ESP, Clairvoyance and Divination, Healing and therapy, medicine man, occultism, spiritism, magic Esoterika - astrologie, jasnovidectví, věštění, výklad karet Tarot Esoterika - Kosmická energie a její využití v praktickém životě Esoterika - Léčitelství a terapie, biotronika, práce s energiemi Esoterika - Okultismus, spiritismus, bílá a černá magie, voodoo, záhady Parapsychologie - ESP - mimosmyslové vnímání - transcendence - podvědomí - trans Esoterika - psychotronika, parapsychologie, ESP, jasnovidectví, léčitelství, biotronika, okultismus, spiritismus, magie Sponzorování a sponzorství – výhody a možnosti investování do sponzoringu Sponsoring and sponsorship - benefits and possi investing in sponsorship Otakar Jalůvka prodává super auto velmi levně Otakar Jaluvka sells super car very cheap video clip story Mr.Silver - video klip disko hudba tanec Mr.Silver - video clip disco music dance Materiál s desinfekčním účinkem Hlavice holicího strojku pro holení více směry Zařízení k monitoringu, detekci a diagnostice drážních vozidel a jejich komponentů za jízdy Material with desinfection effect Warheads shaver machine tool for shin any more directions Apparatus to monitoring, detection and diagnostics rail vehicle and their components on the run sitemap.xml sitemap-image.xml sitemap-video.xml Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Know-how - Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Oponentura a oponování - Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. httsp://www.jaluvka.com Esoterika, Psychotronika, Parapsychologie, ESP, jasnovidectví, léčitelství a terapie, okultismus, magie. Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm