![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Otakar Almatir Jaluvka – research and practical use of esoterics Esoterics - healing - therapy energies - cure remotely - cure energy Health is a normal state of the human being Body (and psyche) is created to be healthy Each disorder - physical or mental - arises due to internal imbalances, stress and toxins. Every body has its own healing mechanisms (eg immunity, wound healing processes, fighting microorganisms, repair of malicious replications of cancer cells, etc.). Medicines usually have only the effect they expect (see homeopathy, placebo). For good health, it is necessary not to give space to any negative or other ideas - that is the principle of right positive thinking. Whoever expects health will come to this. We are what we want to be. Our spirit regulates our body and mind and keeps them healthy, durable, vital and powerful. This state supports positive thinking. If faith is lacking in healing, actual healing is not possible. You become a healthy person thanks to your efforts. The present state of the body and the psyche is an accurate picture of contemporary thoughts, which is reflected in their current state, because every thought through the subconscious endeavors to be realized. A mind that can not control (it produces and maintains various negative and other inappropriate thoughts) weakens or blocks these mechanisms. The idea is the beginning of everything, it is a creative act. Positive thinking produces genuinely positive fruits - it activates the creative forces of the subconscious and the energy to realize them. Who has healthy thoughts can not be sick.
Origin and causes of diseases
We know, and it is scientifically proven, that the subtle vibrations of the subconscious are confronted with the gross vibrations of the body, and this is a detrimental condition and ideal conditions for the development of cancer and other diseases. They are no less harmful, as well as other negative vibrations and environmental influences from earth and space, and other long-term and short-term factors, such as negative geopathogenic zones, radon and other radiation, karmic lineage, various forms of black magic, such as woodoo etc... The synergistic combination of such multiple factors has a detrimental effect on an individual and it is only a matter of time before these debilitating effects on the body, its immunity and the soul manifest themselves as a disease. This state of disharmony weakens the body and its immune system. All this happens at the cellular and molecular level, including the DNA level. The body's natural resistance decreases and this is the chance for various diseases to control the body. We know that the action or presence of gross, subtle or even other vibrations creates dissonance, disharmony. We can (and must, if we want to change this state) try to normalize and harmonize this state. The aim of the treatment is to get the negative vibrations into a state of harmony, dissonance and thus into a balanced state of health of the whole organism and its harmony with its subconscious and soul, into a total fully harmonic resonance.
Disease treatment and healing
The goal of healing is to achieve a balanced and harmonious state of all parts of the body, which for any reason is in imbalance and disharmony. It is necessary to eliminate the causes of inconsistency and disharmony by finding and removing their sources. No healer heals directly, and he does not heal at all. The essence of alternative treatment lies in the mediation of healing, ie when the healer mediates the healing between the creator of the diseased body and the sick patient. The healer himself or with the help of authorized and dedicated persons can, as far as possible, help to detect and eliminate all possible external causes that have a negative effect directly or indirectly on the patient. Thus, it will create the necessary suitable conditions for healing, mainly also so that the diseases do not return after healing. The healer can also actively work with energies (positive, healing, vital, regenerative and cleansing), add, neutralize, divert, transform, etc., or otherwise manipulate them and combine them with each other, as needed, possible and able to. In remote treatment, the possibility of personal contact and self-reflection of the healer with the patient is eliminated, and there is also limited or practically no direct or indirect communication. However, this is not a big obstacle, because distance means nothing to the subconscious. The possibility of direct physical contact during treatment is just eliminated, so a faster and more accurate diagnosis and the possibility of treatment with hands, etc. are not possible.
* Healing is not relatively complicated for those who know a lot about it, who have knowledge, skills, practice and experience. The principle is relatively simple, it can be more difficult to implement and organize the whole in practice, because unexpected obstacles can occur. The creative forces of the subconscious themselves choose the time, path, method, process or way to achieve the goal idea - a state of full health. In addition to working in the conscious and subconscious level, ie in the mental level and in addition to working with energies, some spiritual elements can be used to achieve health, ie activities in white magic, such as ritual ceremonies or hypnosis, suggestions and telepathic transmissions from parapsychology. Thus, these are mutually synergistic combinations in order to achieve a state of full health. The choice of the method of treatment and a possible combination of several methods is a matter for the healer, who proceeds according to the current state, his possibilities, abilities, skills and his know-how. Cooperation with people around the patient is appropriate and often desirable and necessary.
No personal contact is necessary for any effective help Help and treatment can take place remotely, even without the knowledge of the person being treated If someone can not help themselves by solving or completely solving their situation, problems or condition (or situation, problems, or someone else's situation) for any reason, they can use the help of others who have more abilities, abilities, skills, knowledge, practice and experiences. Assistance in the form of diagnostics and self-treatment is possible at a distance under certain specific conditions, which are always individual. This is a process whose length is directly dependent on the particular condition, the length of the escalation of the problem, the depth and severity of the problem being solved, and also the level of the target state to be achieved. Effective help in solving any problem, especially health, is not a personal meeting because every change and solution of these problems takes place inside each person, that is, at the level of his subconscious, where the creative subconscious forces and energies are activated, and gradually make these positive changes. In order to achieve a long-term or permanent improvement of the situation or to solve the problem, it is necessary in some cases to repeat the process or to correct it if necessary, especially in the complicated situations and problems. In some cases, personal contact and active collaboration with the help provider (eg treatment with hands, etc.) is necessary. However, this assistance may not, for various reasons, be 100% effective and effective, even though maximum efforts, access and interest have been developed by the assistance provider. The result is also dependent on the motivation and intensity of the patient's healing, his belief in the effectiveness of this aid, and his expectation of the success of the treatment.
Fast and effective problem solving is basic lack customer Disease is not only a accident on cell levels, but also accident in energy field of sentinel node Well running affirmative full of life beef in adequate amount is basic condition good health and immunities against disease. Detailing cleanliness to residential or working space, lack theirs cleanup as from contamination abient beef and assuring well running geoenergy and astroenergy for of these space is basic condition theirs safe enjoyment. For problem solving of persons, animals also grew is adequate especially work with energies - biotronics and bioenergetic action at distance or contingence, which is economical and effective by treat the almost all disease. Combined with entireness accession, homeopathic method and by mutual benefit cooperation be possible for acquire extremely good and fast attainment. Important he is also removal causation trouble, activated sludge treatment ain abilities break of herself and prevention. Working with energies applicably supplementing and at the same time respects classical physic Practical working with energies, her goings and methods applicably and be effective for complement cathedral classical physic (indicated therapy, medical help, drug regimen, prescribed drugs, habilitation and the like) and additional her boldly quickens and thus also make pleasant and cheaper.
The main types of energy Geoenergy Geoenergy is the earth's energy that emerges from the earth. This energy has a basis in the material plane and bears, in particular, balance, strength and well-being. Astroenergy Astroenergy is a cosmic energy that acts on us from space. This energy is a carrier of creativity and creativity, vision, imagination and imagination.
Geoenergy flows from the feet to the top of the head, astroenergy then the other way, from the top of the head to the feet. Geoenergy and astroenergy can flow together against each other and blend harmoniously in it, balance and actively and positively effect, as well as irradiate (as needed and controlled).
Areas interest, examination and actual practice especially in of these area energies: Working with energies and functioning by those energie remotely - healing and therapies
• functioning energie remotely / cure energy, bioenergetics action at distance, healing, revitalization, bonyness, rejuvenation, • major goals functioning energie / organs, groups organs, all over organism, aura, chakras, functions, spaces, geopathic zones, • alternative methods problem solving / reconnection, holistic medicine, homeopathy, healing spiritual by way, cosmic energy.
Functioning energie remotely Problem solving of positive energies Positive energies is kind energy, that has affirmative, positive, good and positive content and energies, as contrasted to negative energies, which is more and that about and about dominate. Positive energies occurs all around fewer than negative energies, reason it is demonstrate aim for achieving counteract and harmony (yin-yang) positive energy constitute, band about her and convey. More info: Cosmic energy and harnessing in businesslike life
Bioenergy and action of bioenergy Biotronics (bioenergy) is an area studios, examination and businesslike functioning intended energie (especially positive and full of life bioenergy) as necessary on bioarea, aura, chakras or problem agency individual directly, out of arranging as yet acquaintance physical effect or medium. This activity can be carried out either in the presence of or else by default remotely. Solution applicably supplementing and respects classical physic.
Bioenergy action at distance Bioenergy action at distance is functioning affirmative full of life energiee on the whole nine yards body, body part or agency, and on any distance for purpose of figuring out a trouble. Can act as for example about consecutive clarification (detoxication), strenghtening, recharging, rejuvenation, revitalization, slowing down, halting, disposal of and other positive influence physical or mental parts individual as necessary, even frequently or as prevention.
Deblocking From under his birth there is almost any individual from all quarters bill for the repairs outer effect, causing in him birth the whole nine yards ranks especially mental, but physical apartment building. These blogs perceive and at all about them doesn't know. Clearing a section entails removal mental also physical apartment building, which by far restrict and frequently as far as make it impossible adequate development and bare life. By clearing a section helps also suggestion, autosuggestion and hypnosis.
Healing and therapies Working with energies has effect hold over affirmative alternations organism, especially on his clarification, detoxication, regeneration and recharging his parts also complex positive energies. Contingency achieving east levels aggregate harmonisation and removal of some trouble and difficulty, theirs causation also prevention. Aging process be possible for put behind start environment processes of few active organism and full instauration majorities or all functions for on cell levels.
Revitalization Revitalization has under aim vitalization, empowerment and aggregate liven as complex harmonisation his parts and their activisation full of life beef bundled from outside. Demonstrate single parts therapies revitalization is hale au naturel diet and way of living, maintenances correct weights and bodily condition, raul, relaxation and other methods, which can aid, because environment about be possible for alter only minimally.
Regeneration Regeneration entails for these purposes introducing parts body, authorities to or all bodies for historic status, instauration, consecutive board's devoid of life parts fresh. Even if reprocessing pays, that every customer can largely be influential in our haleness, especially adequate hale food out of chemicals, exercise, relaxation, adequate land of nod and by other accessible methods.
Bonyness and reductions weights Bonyness and reductions weights is demonstrate single parts processes of, giving under aim slowdown of the process ageing and entails do not only betterment physical health, but betterment environmental aesthetic appearence and aggregate condition, which to be in concluding aftereffect reflects to mental status as better ones feel like and an increase in confidently. Emaciate can be form of personal well long distance therapies, discreetly and more effective is in combinations with nutritive food, hale environment build, mind cure, buoenergy and by the instrumentality of full of life energies remotely.
Rejuvenation Rejuvenation as complex or parts and authorities to be possible for slowdown as far as abortion processes of theirs ageing, which is caused especially damage coding scheme DNA by replication his sentinel node, damage oxygen radicals or by other mutagen. Relative rejuvenation such reaches post factum matching with others, normally ageing individuals. Man as energy being never country no, can alone be changed by form and status their availability and otherwise her basis stays all along equal.
Major goals functioning curer remotely Aura Aura is energies casing, which encloses all bouncy beings, is it a bioenergy radiated over bodies. Aura has evidence abilities, her beef and coloration reflects aggregate also health condition its toter and have also also his basic features and features. Customer has aura lesser and darker before hale and fortunate. Aura can be feel out also hand has, anyone blood arouses certain vibe. Aura is light hand also by one of goals of functioning energies.
Chakras Chakras are virtual driving points on bodies (parts bodies). Basic charkas is 7, head is number 1. Anyone chakras has individual blood and above all amount. For diagnostics and solution is human body divided for of several parts - chakras, in where with be found main organs or groups important authorities to, which adjudicate and cures as a whole - chakras (any one agency namely does not autonomously, but in framework by other). Do not only problem organs, but the whole nine yards Chakras are objective of functioning energie.
Organs By physical disease are centres functioning beef especially concrete organs or functional group authorities to medicated, that are source and causation trouble, symptoms exhibit with on the outside as appearance, ascertained and documentary disease, status, or traumas. Case in the case of disease mental is attentiveness aimed according character of ascertained diseases above all on concrete centres cerebrum and his functions, eventually on east neural body or also other organs, aimed at removal causation breakdowns and achieving correct config. Always infiltration come from for actualities, as though in part physiography and mental along creates one entire, counterbalanced, concordant, organic and synergetic functional complex.
Geopathic zones Geopathic zones are places with such geological architecture (eg. tectonic briggs under house, architecture country, effulgence, down stream, other effect), which cause by more sensitive or attenuate and diseased of persons with abient functioning on their organism. Longtime functioning negative energy can cause birth dangerous mental also physical problems. Any effect abient functioning geopathic zones can be applicably covered according theirs build, kind and intensities theirs removal, interference elimination, blocking or redirection.
Alternative methods problem solving Psychotherapy Psychotherapy is professional help that intentionally and purposefully uses psychological means (for example, hypnosis, suggestion, etc.) to help people in difficult life situations and to treat mental disorders. Its goal is to eliminate or alleviate the psychological or physical suffering of an individual (for example, burnout, anxiety, fear, insecurity, depression, etc.) and to achieve an optimal state and personality development. It also serves as a prevention of serious mental disorders, such as depression or anxiety disorders, in which untreated traumas can result over time. Supportive psychotherapy does not seek to change the personality, but provides insight, understanding, support and assistance to the personality as it is. It emphasizes her positive features and qualities, leads her to positive thinking, optimism, self-confidence, courage and trust in her own strength, and helps and accompanies her in managing current life situations and problems, e.g. helping the affected person to cope constructively with the given condition. Psychotherapy can last months or even years, depending on the needs of the client.
Hypnosis and autohypnosis Inner space achieve body and therefore is able him also break of. Hypnosis also autohypnosis be possible for exert influence up function ranks organs. Inner space can exert influence up immune system and next areas. Fruitfulness of treatment do not only tubercular disease depends on timeous integration hypnotherapy. That can extremely boost up immunity framework, but there must arrive at betimes. Get thin by dint of hypnosis and autohypnosis is the only likely confirmed fashion. Out of correct config inner space is namely confirmed effect precluded. Commercial number hypnotherapeutic campfire is 8. In the area hypnotherapy it is known couple studies, which prosperously conducted himself to aggrandisement breasts until about 1,5 size. By 28 % of women with there has to aggrandisement on by them determined amount, by 85 % there has to big aggrandisement.
Reconnection Reconnection being on the natural energy country and tree as on historic mine of bioenergy and resubmission jumping table civilisation blanked out commensalism and harmony customer with Earth and countryside. Drawings positive astroenergy for outer space. Comeback to casualness and spiro grain from the others artificial referent, of resources and dependencies, especially chemical. Continuous drawings, amending and heat capacity au naturel, affirmative and full of life bioenergy and astroenergy.
Holistic medicine Holistic medicine is fashion diagnostics and healing disease or bodily authorities to having regard and emphasis on all over organism, which creates one entire, counterbalanced and harmonious complex parts physical and mental. Synergy bodies and mind.
Homeopathy Homeopathy is economical, but effective fashion problem solving disease feed motion bittie batch prescription medicines or prescription medicines firmly watered down. Therapy homeopathic drugs has for inpatient equal benefit as therapy drugs classical, but with lesser consumption prescription medicines with potentially undesirable effects. Clinical development status inpatient in charge of doctor, who prescribe homeopathic drugs, is similar to that, what show by others patients, be sure with minimal enjoyment prescription medicines, which may have side effects. Any medicines with abient adjacent effects can be cover herbs.
Placebo effect To healing is used also placebo (preparation uncontaining effective cloth) and placebo answer, when medical attainment is developed beliefs inpatient, that it is attend and uses actual drug and post factum answer his organism as on actual drug. In the case of placebo, it is an improvement in the patient's health, which occurs only because he believes in the effectiveness of the treatment. This improvement can be partly apparent, but also real, because the psyche can also be reflected in physiology. When testing vaccines and other medicines, the word placebo refers to an inactive substance that is given to people in blinded studies. In such studies, neither the researchers nor the participants have any idea who received the active substance and who tested the drug until the results were evaluated. The difference between the placebo group and the active substance in a given factor then measures the efficacy of the substance.
Nocebo effect Nocebo is the opposite of placebo. The effect is that a person feels a negative effect on their health purely on the basis of the expectation that this will happen. A typical example is the feeling of the expected side effects of a substance in clinical trials, even if the person received an inactive substance (placebo) instead. There are also known cases where people have experienced symptoms of poisoning after they just thought they had eaten too much medicine or something toxic.
Naturel substances Substances herbal or animal ancestry (eg. for was, mushrooms, abortion, parts body animal) beacon to production ranks prescription medicines and in the appropriate to form of and concentrations is can be using also directly. In esotericism used to healing, by ceremonial and achieving other (altered) status awareness (trance).
Creative ideation Creative ideation exploits fantasia to achieving of all desirable. Is it a born ability to figurative as basic creative energy outer space, in use consciously or unaware. Fantasia creates in keep thinking fantasies, mental images ambition and aims, which obtaining affirmative beef tent nonsubjective matter. Aim can be set in plane physical (also health condition), affectional, mental and clergy.
Healing spiritual by way Simplest and most natural method healing (even for otherwise confirmed ailment) is healing spiritual by way. It means individually accept healing power spiritual by way, by dint of east, spiritual forces, that can aid and attend. Accepting those healing forces can vanish do not only diseases physical also mental, but dependencies and other difficulties. Basis is here faith in good, free motion to health and ambition to healing. More info: Cosmic energy and harnessing in businesslike life
Spiritual healing and healers Spiritual healer Bruno Gröning Bruno Gröning was a German spiritual healer who had neither medical nor theological education and was able to heal up to 30,000 people a day at a time. He considered himself an envoy of God, was endowed with a gift from God that allows him to gain influence over other people and animals, and in his speeches called for a "great transformation" ("Großer Umkehr"). He said that illness is evil and needs to be surrendered to God, and that he himself is only mediating in this healing process. He himself rejected the word healer. There are thousands of documents that cure incurable diseases. In one case, he did not heal a war blind (similarly a patient in the last stage of TB) because there was no longer any tissue to work with.
During his lifetime, Bruno Gröning said:
An interesting three-part documentary with many eyewitnesses, evidence, cured and healers:
Healing with energies - Practical healing and therapy with energies Energy healing in general Reiki is a form of alternative medicine, apparently developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Dr. Mikao Usui. The word Reiki was created by combining two Japanese characters. With the sign Rei, we translate it as "universal, all-pervading" and Ki means "life energy". Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word and means a system of traditional Indian medicine practiced in other countries, including the Czech Republic, as a system of alternative and complementary medicine. The oldest literature on Ayurveda dates back to the Vedic period in India. Feng Shui is a Traditional Chinese teaching that deals with the relationship between man and his living space over time. It attempts to establish harmony in space and allow the unhindered flow of chi energy. Such a space can be, for example, an apartment, a house, a workplace, a garden or a city.
Chinese medicine, Czech Biotronics of the healer and biotronics of Tomáš Pfeiffer, pupil and authorized successor of Josef Zezulka and the actions of Ukrainian and other healers and shamans, etc. are alternative medicine, working with energies - basically it is biotronics, i.e. different ways of delivering healing energies to affected areas in order to correct them, regeneration, revitalization, removal of causes and subsequent conditions, pressure, swelling, blockages, pain, etc. This is not a so-called spiritual or spiritual treatment, it has other, non-physical means (I underwent spiritual treatment twice in a row with the Australian healer Steve Ryder about 30 years ago - he has a lot of videos on the Internet, a very famous spiritual healer). In these techniques, working with energies, their integrity is essential - that is, the body is viewed as one harmonious whole, which is out of tune in case of problems. Nutrition, lifestyle, spiritual fulfillment and life attitude also play a role here.
Practical energy healing and therapy These healing energies can be delivered by contact - hands, touch, non-contact action over the incriminated place, but also at a distance, without any distance limitation. The healer can give his energy, energy transformed from the environment, use the patient's energy, can also change energy - turn it from negative to positive, all according to the current state and need. With energies, it can initiate or stop various processes, change states, make changes, etc., just as effectively as, for example, medications or other procedures and healing processes of classical medicine. The healer does not heal directly, but acts as an intermediary between the patient and his creator. The Healer may, at his discretion, change, stop, remove or dispose of the problem in any way. The healer also chooses who to attempt to heal. The healer does not think like an expert medical specialist, but diagnoses and acts according to need and intuition, perceives the patient as one indivisible harmonious whole. Energies can flow into the patient 1. from space - astroenergy, 2. from the earth - geoenergy, etc., 3. from the healer, energy can be transformed from other energy and from elsewhere, negative and harmful energy can change into positive and healing energy, etc. everything can also be combined in any way and thereby synergistically multiply their effects, completely freely and creatively. There are no rules for this, because everyone feels and perceives it differently, but a part of a successful procedure should always be a present clear idea of the goal and its intense inner visual vision.
It is also possible to use various substitutes when working with energies, i.e. substitute objects, for example amulets or talismans, herbs, drinks, etc., which are charged (programmed) by the healer and without his presence these objects heal the patient gradually or even by shock. Here it is already intertwined with white magic and magical ritual ceremonies. However, nothing must be overdone, a balanced yin-yang harmony must remain. Of course, as with other techniques and by extension esoteric fields and areas, success is never 100% guaranteed. In addition, the latter is very dependent on the patient's cooperation, on his trust, faith and will, and it is also impossible to treat effectively against his will or without his knowledge. However, it is possible to do damage effectively this way (e.g. forms of voodoo). The most difficult, and sometimes impossible, is working with small children, they usually do not cooperate. The flow - the flow of energies - can be felt, perceived. Just rub your dry hands-palms together for a while and then bring them closer to each other a few centimeters or to another place and you will feel it. For example, like heat or tingling, etc., everyone is different and everyone feels and perceives it differently. But you feel it's there. This is that invisible energy which, depending on its destination, purpose, timing and direction, can work almost miracles. When I name the energy, program it, determine its mission and goal, direct it with a vision of the desired state, goal and success, and if the patient cooperates, it usually works.
It is also challenging I must point out from my own experience that working with energies in the sense of a treatment that is supposed to be effective is sometimes very exhausting and cannot be done all the time or very often. Therefore, such a matter is also relatively expensive. The effect of the intervention depends on the diagnosis and the appropriate choice of methods, on their intensity and the number of repetitions, but always according to the condition and current need, because it is rarely possible to eliminate problems with 100% efficiency, permanently and at once, which especially concerns protracted and long-term problems and changes. And such work is time-consuming and causes exhaustion of the healer or shaman, who must then consolidate for an adequate period of time. Inexperienced people and those who are not completely convinced of their abilities, but want to make a quick profit, can also cause the disease to be transferred to such a wannabe healer or other problems may arise if he does not fully master these techniques and if he does not have full control of the situation.
Self-healing With self-healing and self-therapy, it is relatively simple, here we have the situation 100% under our own control. We have feedback and can repeat the actions at any time, change ways and methods, work as needed or slow down when we feel relief or deterioration, etc. However, a continuous deterioration of the condition can also indicate emerging healing processes and ongoing changes. Everyone has these healing and self-healing abilities, they just don't know about them and have suppressed them. Practice and practice develop these hidden abilities and possibilities and make a master. However, I warn against any unprofessional and amateur attempts at treatment or self-treatment with energies by inexperienced or uninitiated persons, as this may also lead to the risk of worsening the existing condition.
How to get rid of problems, stress and fear of cosmetic defects, several possible solutions She:
""I have such a strange problem that I would like to solve without doctors, or rather without drugs - the chemistry they prescribe. In short, I believe that stress and such "I don't like it" affect and hurt the body and health a lot, but even though I believe this, I still fail, so it's all an unreal carousel, a tangled ball, or maybe even the spiral, it keeps repeating itself over and over again, and with all that fear and stress exaggerates that I need help, I need to understand it all and advise what to do. " What bothers me is, in my opinion, too much ... (or also small, large, frequent, etc.) "
Thank you for your trust. I will try to clarify your problem a bit according to my possibilities and time and find - outline several variants of its possible solution. Every problem has a solution, only we sometimes don't see it. And every problem is solvable, maybe not right away, but gradually for sure. What is essential:
Your case is not unusual. You are relatively lucky that it is not a serious illness or physical defect that would in any way prevent your normal life, but it is a phenomenon that does not interfere with the overall function of your body, endangers or restricts any basic or other vital functions of the body. or mental. That is essential and important.
Psychological impact:
It is more or less a cosmetic defect, which causes you problems in the mental area, by disrupting your self-confidence, which to some extent stresses you and causes fear of possible worsening of this condition. You feel embarrassed, guilty, you experience feelings of shame, you simply have a mindset and you are unhappy about it. You try to hide the problem in every possible way, because you are afraid and afraid that when your friend finds out, he will leave you. But your self-confidence is only and only your feeling, your opinion of yourself, your self-esteem, in this case from its external physical side. However, this self-confidence is fully influenced by you. With this opinion, which is a bitter reality for you, however, I do not try to reduce the importance of self-confidence for a person and especially for a girl or young woman and I fully understand your desperate efforts for some, what, but especially fast and effective solution to this unfavorable condition. This is the only way to indicate that this is not a very important, albeit significant, cosmetic detail in terms of the overall assessment and comprehensive assessment of your person as a person. Personally, such a small cosmetic defect would not bother you as much or not at all, but unlike your partner, I already have some life experience and I know that your other qualities, which are more important for life than a perfect look, such minor cosmetic defects often playfully overlap. No one is completely perfect and no one is completely healthy. And nothing is ideal. That's normal. These are not exactly some big defects that would perhaps seriously limit you in anything, they are qualities that make people different from each other. Everyone is different inside and out and in a way is original. And everyone likes something different, everyone likes something that others may not like. That's just the way it is and we can't do anything about it.
Causes of problems:
The reason for the occurrence of a given problem or condition can be traced genetically and genealogically by searching for your ancestors, in which case it would be a hereditary problem. You have the genes and you don't change them. In this case, treatment with classical medicine could help, using some modern methods and procedures, such as laser or radiation, I do not know, I am not a specialist in this field. Here, instead of a regular dermatologist or dermatologist or other practitioner, a specialized, professional, reputable, clinical or research workplace could help you effectively and efficiently. Finding and choosing it is up to you. Such an intervention can be very effective and efficient, but such workplaces usually operate on a commercial principle, interventions are usually not covered by insurance companies and so such assistance can be very expensive for you. If your ancestors did not have this problem, it could be a problem caused by certain external causes. Each condition always has its reason and origin. These causes can be various, they can be caused by improper lifestyle, nutrition, injury, improper care, use of inappropriate and poor quality products, means, aids or materials. Overuse of drugs and other chemicals also causes great damage. Everyone responds differently to the same things. Some conditions can also cause some traumatic experiences or events in childhood. It can also be a forgotten and seemingly insignificant experience, but with certain consequences. These consequences in their form may or may not have anything to do with the original traumatic event. Such an event is usually the trigger for subsequent physiological and subsequently psychological side effects. It can also be the consequences caused by conscious or unconscious - subconscious activity. Negative or positive activities with a negative impact. Just a thought is enough for that. One of the laws of the Universe is that thoughts materialize. Long-term persistence on certain ideas supported by vivid inner images will ensure their practical realization and materialization. Related to this is the proven fact that the more you devote yourself to your problem, the more time you devote to it, the more energy you give to the problem, the more you feed it with this energy, and the more the problem increases in you. It can't be done indefinitely, it doesn't lead to anything good and it's self-destructive. Given your age, I do not anticipate that your condition could be the result of any magical or occult practices, such as woo-doo, black magic, as a form of targeted attack, or some revenge on someone through a shaman, even if it does. Even a karmic load is possible. However, no one engages in the fight against evil and negative energies for another person and at any cost, for several reasons and it is dangerous. However, there are certain ritual rites for this, but it is expensive if it is to be effective, and the results may not be certain and long-lasting, and then these ritual rites must be repeated as needed.
Classic treatment:
Everyone is different, and therefore the advice and methods of other people with similar disabilities that occur on the Internet may not apply to you at all. Also, different drugs, which are based on different principles of treatment, have a different effect on everyone. For example, a dermatologist also does not know what to do with it, so he tries various drugs and procedures that commonly work with other patients in these cases. The consequences of traumatic events and experiences, for example from childhood, can be solved by a suitable form of cooperation with a good psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist, as a possible, effective and relatively quick solution to your poor physical and mental condition. Hypnosis can also help. Don't worry about psychiatrists, they will effectively help you get rid of any states of fear, distress and depression. It should be borne in mind that a physician may choose from a variety of options, try, or even choose a drug for a particular problem or treatment process based on his relationship with the manufacturer or distributor of the drug or medical device. You have no way to influence that. Of course, most drugs also have side effects that can be more harmful than helpful. Each organism is unique and responds to the same things differently.
Alternative treatment:
Alternative treatment options in these cases are more effective for the psychological part of people and solving mental problems in connection with the existence of cosmetic defects, due to difficult and uncertain successful implementation of changes to existing and functional tissue according to the wishes and needs of the person. However, it is possible to act on them effectively centrally, using NLP - neuro-linguistic programming of the brain or in some cases using suggestions or autosuggestions or hypnosis or autohypnosis, for example using visualization of internal images or meditation and trance. Thoughts materialize and what we expect tends to come true. Anxiety and fear grow out of the misguided negative power of the imagination and cause states of very harmful stress. You need to get rid of fear as quickly as possible and learn to start using your imagination to improve your life.
* It is possible to stop or activate the growth of a part of the body or organs or change it according to one's ideas, for example by the action of some energies by someone, contact, contactless or even remotely, in this case in practice it means acting on skin (or any other) tissue or organ. certain parts of the body with different, as needed positive (for growth or enlargement) and negative (for reduction or extinction) energies, which of course has its impact on other surrounding tissues and organs, because everything is connected and everything is related to everything. It is very difficult to act and influence in practice - in any way to change, activate and stimulate or, conversely, to destroy and liquidate each individual part of the body separately, according to its will, wishes and ideas, not even those wanted or unwanted parts that have not yet been created and which will arise or fade over time later in the future. If we start from many years of practice, when the body is imaginarily divided into about 7 chakras, which are perceived as separate and autonomous functional areas, which each have their own different vibrations, it is therefore not possible to act activatively or destructively on a larger part of the body other chakras, in order to make some change to it. But it is possible to harmonize it. Such a successful targeted action would revolutionize, for example, by stimulating and activating hair growth in the treatment of baldness in men, or by causing permanent depilation in women, and if anyone could, I would become the richest man on earth. He would stroke a billionaire or a celebrity a few times or stroke a woman where she needed to be hairless and it would be done forever. However, this is not yet the case.
Summary and conclusion:
It is a good idea to confide in your partner about your problem in a suitable way (it will happen one day), even at the cost of losing it. The sooner this happens and the truth comes out, the better for you. In this case, you do not have to regret the losses in any way, there was no one to stand for and what to stand for. You will get some proof of the strength and permanence of his relationship to your person as a whole, and you will also reveal his true character. Or you can show it to him, for example, inconspicuously, accidentally or naturally, without emphasizing it, not giving it any great importance. This way you can get exactly twice, in both cases. First, you will verify its character traits, such as superficiality, too much emphasis on physical appearance over others, human and psychological traits that are much more important for a responsible life. And second, you will quickly and forever get rid of your fears, mindsets and low self-esteem in front of you. You will strengthen yourself, you will gain confidence and self-confidence. Then your worries, stress and fear of the future will disappear. I know that this way of solving your problem will seem difficult at first, perhaps insurmountable, but you will still not avoid it and the sooner you do it, the sooner, almost immediately you will get rid of your mental problems, stress, fear, insecurity, worries. etc. and you will begin to enjoy your life normally and in peace.
It is also good to come together to solve problems and use common energy that does not add up, but multiplies synergistically. When a group of people with similar or similar disabilities come together who are set to achieve their goals, results, and move forward in life, great things can begin to happen. Because when such a group of people come together and talk about their problems and ideas on how to solve them, talk about their ideals and visions, or positive future, a lot of energy, enthusiasm, inspiration and motivation will be created that will give everyone involved a lot of energy to move onward. It is necessary to begin to envy others relative superficial perfection and wish them success. To envy means to feel that others have something you cannot have. Envy proves a limited setting of your mind and this negatively affects your prosperity. There is no need to envy anyone. There is no need to challenge others with success or to be disappointed that others achieve or have achieved success. Everyone can achieve success in their own unique way, and when one achieves it, it does not mean that you cannot achieve it. If you are unsure about your personal appearance, do something for yourself. Go buy something new, go to the hairdresser, lose a few kilograms. Love yourself the way you are. Any action is always better than just sitting, moaning and having fear and stress and being dissatisfied and unhappy. And what you focus on will always keep growing.
* These problems of yours are solvable, it depends only on you. Everything is as you want it to be, and everything will be as you want it to be. Read this article in peace, think about the content of individual paragraphs and you will find your own solution, which is already there for you. I wish you courage, strength, a lot of positive energy and a certain success.
Warning about potential risks and problems with energy and similar activities Every normal person (or animal or plant) has given a certain amount of energy throughout his life just for his existence, and if he manages to distribute it to others, he must logically expect to sooner or later get into the situation, when this energy is not enough for his own needs and problems arise. You may initially have the same effect by having nothing to give away and stagnating. If he does not realize the danger that can arise in time due to the high fatigue, the loss of all the forces and the manifestations of various diseases, he can finally reach the point where he will no longer be able to supplement this energy - recharge, he will not have enough strength to rescue himself, and can not do without any help. This situation can occur if the energy is mistaken. If you use and distribute your energy, you will logically miss it if you do not replenish it adequately, so recharge it. It is like money, which is also a form of energy, because it is also necessary to spend more or less of energy on it by repeating it, for example, by hard manual or mental work. No bank or banker is using to invest their personal money, but the money of the clients who entrusted them and who are left to them. Therefore, you, if possible, do not use your most valuable personal - vital energy for your business. But the quantity and quality of your personal - vital energy can be supplemented by other sources (nature - plants, trees, animals, other people, reconnection, movement, pharmacies, etc.). There are more ways to work with energies, which in practice are most often used in two ways - namely, working with own energy and working with foreign sources of energy. Your personal energy is your own - vital energy (resulting from transformation from food, water, air and light), and alien sources can be, in particular, cosmic - cosmic energy (cosmic cosmos), astral energy (cosmic body energy (such as Sun, Moon, Venus, etc.) and, last but not least, Earth energy (so-called geoenergy). These energy sources can passively contain their specific energy, actively radiate, or both. However, work with alien energy is demanding and so exhausts our own energy as well.
With different energies, they can work differently and purposefully and use them for different purposes (to heal, to displace negative energy, to charge and recharge, to telepathy, to various kinetic manifestations, or otherwise). These different forms of energy have different quality, quantity and content, and can be aggregated or densified, transformed, modulated and transported, and even with some energies, under certain conditions, they can be manipulated independently of space and time. There is nothing new because the Energy Conservation Act is one of the basic and most commonly used physical laws. This law (in simple terms) states that energy can not be produced or destroyed, but only transformed into another kind of energy.
The psyche of man and the potential of the human brain (both hemispheres) are ready to work with energy and subconscious mind, however, in the event of longer-term activity, it is exhausting and there is a risk of congestion with all its consequences and consequences. This activity is not suitable for everyone, it requires preparedness and an exercise-acquired ability to manage these activities for an extended period without harm. It is therefore necessary to seriously reflect on what energy, why and how we work and whether we do not use a disproportionate amount of our personal energy to our activities, which may be the cause of our exhaustion. This is a great deal to be wary of, because too much exhaustion of your personal - vital energy can lead to the extinction of our vitality and, in the extreme, our life. In this case, it may be appropriate to stop or stop these activities for a while if our condition does not improve and does not return to its original condition. It is worth mentioning whether our well-earned activity also has a certain income for us (a reward - a fee for help and activity) or not - in short, whether it is for us this activity so called profitability, be sitionary-if at all under this hazards, under our enervation and our post factum problems and difficulties.
Disclaimer The information provided on all pages of this website as well as in the referenced articles is not intended as a guideline due to its focus and is of a basic informative nature only. Therefore, they are not detailed, including details and good practice in their application, nor do they contain information on the existence of potential risks and their consequences. The author of this website is not responsible for misunderstanding, use or misuse of its content, or for any damages and damages caused by imitating, improperly applying or improperly practicing all of the activities listed herein, including use of the information presented and described on this site and in all referenced author articles. The author of this website is not responsible for the accuracy, validity or completeness of the content posted on this website and in the referenced articles and under no circumstances is the author of this website liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or expenses or other damages in connection with the information contained on this site.
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"Ideation is more important before attainment. Attainment are of limited, whilst ideation encloses all the world, stokes advancement, gives geniture developments." (Albert Einstein)
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Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Index. Otakar Almatir Jalůvka – autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Píši jakékoli texty, kreativně a inovativně řeším problémy, zkoumám a prakticky využívám parapsychologii, psychotroniku, okultismus a esoteriku. https://www.jaluvka.com/blog.htm Blog. Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Tvorba Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Ukázky Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Kontakt Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm Author. Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. I write any texts, I solve problems creatively and innovatively, I research and practically use parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/blogg.htm Blogg. Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm - Creation Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm - Samples Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm - Contact Opposition - opposition procedure - opposed - opponent Innovation - innovating - means - aims - findings Know-how - designs - development - solution Improvement proposal - solution Patents - utility designs - protect Reserve funds - budget solution - economy drive - new source of savings New way solution hidden trouble communities and companies Oponentura, oponování, oponent Inovace a inovování Know-how, řešení, ochrana know-how, utajení Zlepšovací návrhy a zlepšování Patenty - užitné vzory - ochrany Úspory - úsporné řešení - úsporné opatření - nové zdroje úspor Nová metoda řešení skrytých problémů společností a firem Esoterics - Clairvoyance, Divination, astrology, Tarot card Esoterics - Cosmic energy - healing and therapy in businesslike life Esoterics - Healing and therapies, biotronic, working with energies, zones Esoterics - Occultism, spiritism, white and black magic, voodoo, ban, mystery Esoterics - Parapsychology - ESP - extra sensory perception - unconscious - trance Esoterics - parapsychology ESP, Clairvoyance and Divination, Healing and therapy, medicine man, occultism, spiritism, magic Esoterika - astrologie, jasnovidectví, věštění, výklad karet Tarot Esoterika - Kosmická energie a její využití v praktickém životě Esoterika - Léčitelství a terapie, biotronika, práce s energiemi Esoterika - Okultismus, spiritismus, bílá a černá magie, voodoo, záhady Parapsychologie - ESP - mimosmyslové vnímání - transcendence - podvědomí - trans Esoterika - psychotronika, parapsychologie, ESP, jasnovidectví, léčitelství, biotronika, okultismus, spiritismus, magie Sponzorování a sponzorství – výhody a možnosti investování do sponzoringu Sponsoring and sponsorship - benefits and possi investing in sponsorship Otakar Jalůvka prodává super auto velmi levně Otakar Jaluvka sells super car very cheap video clip story Mr.Silver - video klip disko hudba tanec Mr.Silver - video clip disco music dance Materiál s desinfekčním účinkem Hlavice holicího strojku pro holení více směry Zařízení k monitoringu, detekci a diagnostice drážních vozidel a jejich komponentů za jízdy Material with desinfection effect Warheads shaver machine tool for shin any more directions Apparatus to monitoring, detection and diagnostics rail vehicle and their components on the run sitemap.xml sitemap-image.xml sitemap-video.xml Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Know-how - Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Oponentura a oponování - Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Esoterika, Psychotronika, Parapsychologie, ESP, jasnovidectví, léčitelství a terapie, okultismus, magie. Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. https://www.jaluvka.com Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. https://www.jaluvka.com/author.htm