mezera esoterika-jasnovidectvi-vesteni-astrologie-tarot-vyklad-autor-inovátor-nápady-vize-projekty-návrhy-řešení-inovace-know-how-úspory-realizace mezera esotericism-clairvoyance-divination-astrology-tarot-card-author-innovator-ideas-visions-projects-designs-solutions-innovations-know-how-economy

Otakar Almatir Jaluvka – research and practical use of esoterics

Clairvoyance - divination - precognition, astrology, numerology, Tarot

Divination is fashion, how button down do not only its foretime, today, future or karma

Clairvoyant and divination can also bring also other beneficial information

To knowledge of that, what we don't know and want have knowledge of, and not only about himself, but about by other people, can advantage to take offers different ways, how that acquire. Can advantage to take a catena possibilities, as is as for example astrology, numerology, psychometry, definition corrie Tarot, divination for crystal balls, answers sideral pendulum, astropsychology, chiromancy, interpretation of dreams, coffee grounds etc.

By spellbinding and reverence, we can also find out karmic and fateful information, or information about the course, outcome, or outcome of any action, process, or action, anytime, anywhere. There is no guarantee of the 100% confidence and reliability of the results of divination. It depends on more or less influential and non-invasive factors, including the quality and cooperation of others.

This presupposes the existence of a common consciousness of human beings (the global subconscious) in which all earthly events, deeds, lives, destinies, paths, memories, and all positive and negative actions are recorded and from where the media draw information in a trance.


Over us is arrangements - dat of co or whom want any more believe

To fulfilment clairvoyant and divination with by now used miscellaneous instruments and aids, including consummate computer application. Ones are made appropriate to especially for numerology and astrology, can quick calculate the cost and bring out attitude glows in dated up location and time for astrologer or directly provide it evaluation and vaticination. Over us is arrangements - dat of co or whom want any more believe.




Areas interest, examination and actual practice especially in of these area divination

Divination in the presence of concrete persons, by default remotely and according instruments of and aid oracle


divination with must attendances concrete persons / astropsychology, chiromancy,

divination by default concrete persons remotely / astrology, numerology, psychometry,

divination according aid oracle / interpretation card Tarot, crystal ball, sideral pendulum, definition dreams, other methods.


pentagram, esotericism, astrologiey, healing, energy


Clairvoyance - precognition

Precognition is divinatory ability to see or have cognisance of event before pertaining to them actually will reach. Precognition is along those lines as augury or anticipating. augury with frequently discover in dream also alert status, analogous to anticipating (clairvoyance).


Divination with must attendances concrete persons


Astropsychology is esoteric discipline practice astrology, that by interpretation of vaticination exploits finding acquired for different kind horoscope and have also finding for psychology and psychoanalyse.



Chiromancy is fmethod divination from character and lines in arms, when assessing duration, depth, conformation, destination etc. lines palmtops. Lines and indian sign are matchless (as fingerprints digital) and flash back stable economy features investigation, his spent environment circumstance and light hand also information for content vaticination.




Divination by default concrete persons remotely


Astrology is branch dealing with questing relationships and contiguous midst actual attitude cosmic body (constellation megastar) and about to ongoing also will happening on certain location Earth. Planets shall they his diverse character and hold over country and on the her denizen and their interworking combinations determines content vaticination. Cares hesperian heritage astrology is now interlock and combination with lots of eastern, american and ethnic astrological systems and achieve in some degree unsynoptical farrago astrological symbolism and interpretive how.



Numerology is numerical mysticism, based on the lecture information for number. Divination exits for correct data and time births, from whose article environment and other at numbers and their miscellaneous frameworks and compositions, which creates base for definition vaticination. Definition can be be engaged in in the presence of individual or to distance, can be forebode as good as anything (it true for the most of divinatory how).



Psychometry is clairvoyant ability to forebode concrete person in her absence of by means of article, which of such person belongs or her has a direct relation. This representative article (substitut) allows alliance esotericism having its holder and by vaticination held in hand or otherwise perceives.




Divination according aid oracle

Astrological aids

To fulfilment clairvoyant and divination with by now used miscellaneous instruments and aids, including consummate computer application, which can quick calculate the cost and bring out attitude glows in dated up location and time for astrologer or directly provide it evaluation and vaticination. Single parts astrology it is i zodiac, containing 12 constellations, whose now in the sky at a time births individual determines at large his character traits, abilities character and other features.



Most familiar areas astrological an exploration is conformity pertinent attitude astrological glows in a trice births on customer by dint of astrological diagram called horoscope. Is it a schematic pattern with behind work a design into horoscopic elements, which it serves as base coat for envisioning futures, to decipherment natures personalities or effect and the like. Horoscope be for bigger comprehensibility transferred to documentary forms.


Interpretation card Tarot

Definition card (interpretation) - vaticination for card. For divination karma, destiny, foretime, futures or hidden contemporaneousness for card is used will tarot (pictographic, gypsy, magic) or classical playing card. Cards be declaratory of in certain system and anyone corrie has its how interpretation.


Crystal ball

Crystal ball presents sorcerous looking glass, by which can regard with for foretime also futures and depict anything for reality also astral world. Crystal ball is cross wall midst reality and astral the world and can be in her be after affirmative also abient matters. Can be such come into touch with astral the world.

Correct crystal ball has to be made in for au naturel crystal - semipermeable mineral, far from it for crystal or even common glass. In practice infiltration can functions crystal balls adopt any kind of article, to which au fait esoterician by administer justice features and functions correct crystal balls and as such him used.


Sideral pendulum

Sideral (astrally) pendulum is esoteric aid in practice dependent article at ease held in hand midst first finger and forefinger, that reacts (or does not respond) exercise on enquiry of vaticinator, which from destination exercise, theirs intensities and character of read (perceives) content answers. To activate motion pendulum attend subliminal (under well knowing) movements musculus of esoteric hands. Be possible for also advantage to take different additional pattern or of scales.

Sideral pendulum be possible for also advantage to take as divining rod as for example to questing waters or of some mineral below ground, but also in physic by questing afflicted places on caring bodies or a places on map.


Quality and credibility attainment work with sideral pendulum is addicted on any more condition, for instance at current condition - physical also mental, on environment, in which with pendulum chores (his natural energy, effect geopathic zones, now second of persons with or by other of resources abient beef), light hand on depth assembly and trans and the like. Work with esotericism is as a general rule highly energy ambitious and backbreaking, reason it is appropriate to by baser force function ain full of life beef this activity confine.

Big he is also acuity and obviousness - comprehensibility, homeliness and definiteness juxtapose problem or ambition, which amp up accuracy of record or relevance responses sideral pendulum (and also for other techniques data acquisition). Also is appropriate to pendulum (also other aids, as for example Tarot cards or divining rod) frequently purify from possible abient energy cartridge (it is concerns also hands ago work), and this best beyond flame and also there is arrange not to anyone into the arms, loan out etc.

As far pendulum does not respond, attend not to contact and cooperation esoterician having its inner space, his beef in hand do not receive desirable impulsion to exercise. Reply can not ain free motion anyway exert influence up once it awe into, because here is a communication areas awareness with inner space and that is functionally also hierarchically senior areas awareness.

As far pendulum be sitionary and does not conform, causation can be couple: problem is improperly or darkly laid (problem bowl one over otherwise, unambiguously, more clearly and more plainly), problem is beyond the pale or problem not had answer report, few deep trans (deficient assembly, few contributed beef), pendulum is germy alien beef (required in order catharsis of pendulum also hand has), strange causes (communicate after or another time).

100% assurance and credibility attainment work, and not only with sideral pendulum, but with by other aids and techniques in the area esotericism can not anyway ensure. That is addicted on more or less suggestible also us no suggestible decontamination factor, perhaps to quality and cooperation second. Is to be look to on own apprehension making, depth trans or also intuition and empathy. Also can be advantage to take their practicals experi, as for example assessment or comparisons with its previous findings.




Interpretation (definition) of dreams - dream-book

Definition (interpretation) dreams is fashion divination benefiting information of content spent dream. exploits with condition, as though dream reflects light hand also information for futures, because dream are not well knowing and subjectively overmaster. Dream arises in stadium deep land of nod and awareness no, is autonomous, conceptional and outside reality. For their own definition dreams used dream-books, containing miscellaneous circumstance and their amount.


Coffee grounds and other methods

Coffee grounds and her conformation is artefact, which it serves as information source for definition vaticination. Adjudication and diagnostics conformation grounds, her evaluation and assignment its of meaning is by of these creative how always cleanly attitudinal matters. Same thing have to do with also pouring lead for waters, automatic recall drawings and the like.




The past and the future do not exist, only the eternal presence


The passage of time is a projection of our reason. In this world, civilized people have divided their time and calendar to organize life for themselves and others. To know when to sow, who is old, when to pay taxes, when to go to church, when to work and when to go home.

In the multidimensional and invisible world in which our subconscious works, there is no past, no present, no future. In fact, it is only an absolute eternal presence, in which the past and the future coexist, at once, now and now. After death, there is only one presence, which is only one form of real being, that is, only constant now and permanent now.

In the universe, everything is imagined: the past, present and future, each of them not only in reality, but also in all its possibilities and variants that have not or will not happen (see some people's ability to read in the past or in the future).

The universe records not only my destiny, but also all the specific details of my entire life, such as the road (all roads) to a crossroads that I did not follow and went to another destination. So if I go in any way, their course and goal and thus my whole life and my destiny are already recorded.

This presupposes the existence of a common consciousness of human beings (the global subconscious) in which all earthly events, deeds, lives, destinies, paths, memories and all positive and negative deeds are recorded and from where the media draw information in a trance.




The distinction between the past, the present and the future must be understood as an illusion (Albert Einstein)

The universe is not space and time bounded. The future somehow exists already and can cast its shadow into the past. People, things, and events leave their traces of time and space.

Man has undoubtedly the power to control time and space, or to use them. People are able to receive news from tomorrow, or they can focus their views on the future or the past. It is possible by simple exercises to mobilize the superhuman forces.




The advantage is a combination of authorial, innovative and esoteric activities

The combination of several activities and their simultaneous implementation by one entity is more advantageous


Simultaneous implementation of multiple activities from multiple areas and disciplines by one entity guarantees their synergy, originality, exclusivity, speed of solution, time and cost savings, direct personal and informal communication and maximum discretion.

New, unconventional and original creative ideas, visions, know-how, innovations and solutions can help solve every problem. All these activities can be realized in a relatively short time depending on their complexity. Possibility of one-off and long-term cooperation.

It is proven that nothing is perfect and that the current solution or novelty on the market is already obsolete and can be improved at any time. Everything can be done and solved better, faster, more simply, cheaply and more effectively. It rests you to decide.


In the case of interest in the use of the above-mentioned activities or any other assistance, personal communication is usually necessary, depending on the nature of this activity. This does not apply to online psychotherapy, email consultation and immediate online therapy.

It is not possible to provide advice, consultation, quick help or the solution of any other problems over the phone and the Internet due to time, practical and other reasons. Matters of this type are usually dealt with personally and discreetly.




"Ideation is more important before attainment. Attainment are of limited, whilst ideation encloses all the world, stokes advancement, gives geniture developments." (Albert Einstein)

"It all have knowledge of, that it is anything impossible and has then they appear a basket case, which doesn't know, that this is impossible and come it strong device." (Albert Einstein)

"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of thinking at which they arose." (Albert Einstein)



The information provided on all pages of this website as well as in the referenced articles is not intended as a guideline due to its focus and is of a basic informative nature only. Therefore, they are not detailed, including details and good practice in their application, nor do they contain information on the existence of potential risks and their consequences.

The author of this website is not responsible for misunderstanding, use or misuse of its content, or for any damages and damages caused by imitating, improperly applying or improperly practicing all of the activities listed herein, including use of the information presented and described on this site and in all referenced author articles.

The author of this website is not responsible for the accuracy, validity or completeness of the content posted on this website and in the referenced articles and under no circumstances is the author of this website liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or expenses or other damages in connection with the information contained on this site.




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Why official science (provisionally) recognize esoterics
Parapsychology - ESP - extra-sensory perception and transcendention
Clairvoyance and divination, foretelling the future and precognition
Occultism - spiritualism, white magic, black, magic, shamanism, voodoo



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uv023860 - Equipments to monitoring, detection and diagnostics rails vehicles and their component during journey

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Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. Index.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka – autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Píši jakékoli texty, kreativně a inovativně řeším problémy, zkoumám a prakticky využívám parapsychologii, psychotroniku, okultismus a esoteriku. Blog.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. Tvorba   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. Ukázky   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky. Kontakt   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. Author.   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. I write any texts, I solve problems creatively and innovatively, I research and practically use parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. Blogg.   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. - Creation   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. - Samples   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics. - Contact   Opposition - opposition procedure - opposed - opponent   Innovation - innovating - means - aims - findings   Know-how - designs - development - solution   Improvement proposal - solution   Patents - utility designs - protect   Reserve funds - budget solution - economy drive - new source of savings   New way solution hidden trouble communities and companies   Oponentura, oponování, oponent   Inovace a inovování   Know-how, řešení, ochrana know-how, utajení   Zlepšovací návrhy a zlepšování   Patenty - užitné vzory - ochrany   Úspory - úsporné řešení - úsporné opatření - nové zdroje úspor   Nová metoda řešení skrytých problémů společností a firem   Esoterics - Clairvoyance, Divination, astrology, Tarot card   Esoterics - Cosmic energy - healing and therapy in businesslike life   Esoterics - Healing and therapies, biotronic, working with energies, zones   Esoterics - Occultism, spiritism, white and black magic, voodoo, ban, mystery   Esoterics - Parapsychology - ESP - extra sensory perception - unconscious - trance   Esoterics - parapsychology ESP, Clairvoyance and Divination, Healing and therapy, medicine man, occultism, spiritism, magic   Esoterika - astrologie, jasnovidectví, věštění, výklad karet Tarot   Esoterika - Kosmická energie a její využití v praktickém životě   Esoterika - Léčitelství a terapie, biotronika, práce s energiemi   Esoterika - Okultismus, spiritismus, bílá a černá magie, voodoo, záhady   Parapsychologie - ESP - mimosmyslové vnímání - transcendence - podvědomí - trans   Esoterika - psychotronika, parapsychologie, ESP, jasnovidectví, léčitelství, biotronika, okultismus, spiritismus, magie   Sponzorování a sponzorství – výhody a možnosti investování do sponzoringu   Sponsoring and sponsorship - benefits and possi investing in sponsorship   Otakar Jalůvka prodává super auto velmi levně  Otakar Jaluvka sells super car very cheap video clip story  Mr.Silver - video klip disko hudba tanec   Mr.Silver - video clip disco music dance   Materiál s desinfekčním účinkem   Hlavice holicího strojku pro holení více směry   Zařízení k monitoringu, detekci a diagnostice drážních vozidel a jejich komponentů za jízdy   Material with desinfection effect   Warheads shaver machine tool for shin any more directions   Apparatus to monitoring, detection and diagnostics rail vehicle and their components on the run   sitemap.xml   sitemap-image.xml   sitemap-video.xml   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics.   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics.   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author, writer, innovator, parapsychologist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology and esoterics.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Know-how - Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Oponentura a oponování - Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Esoterika, Psychotronika, Parapsychologie, ESP, jasnovidectví, léčitelství a terapie, okultismus, magie. Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor, textař, inovátor, parapsycholog a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jalůvka - autor a textař, kreativec a inovátor, parapsycholog, psychotronik, okultista a esoterik. Psaní jakýchkoli textů, inovativní řešení problémů, výzkum a praktické využití parapsychologie, psychotroniky, okultismu a esoteriky.   Otakar Almatir Jaluvka - author and writer, creative and innovator, parapsychologist, psychotronics, occultist and esotericist. Writing any texts, innovative problem solving, research and practical use of parapsychology, psychotronics, occultism and esoterics.